Callum McClaren

Callum McClaren
GFG Foundation Scholar
School: Glasgow Caledonian University
Subjects: BEng (Hons) Computer Aided Mechanical Engineering
What element of your course do you enjoy the most and why?
My favourite part has been ‘Integrated Engineering Studies’ where I worked alongside a small team of engineers from varying disciplines and was tasked with developing a new product for a smart home. Over the course of the project we were required to create the product, write up a business and technical report on it and then finally we had to present it to a review panel of lecturers.
How do you feel you have benefitted from the support of the GFG Foundation?
During exam periods, I was able to drop some of my shifts at work whilst still paying bills. This I feel was the largest help as I could devote more time to studying. I firmly believe that receiving my GFG Foundation Scholarship played a role this year in me achieving the grades that I did.